HILO Fitness Club
The HILO Method
We believe in progress, high intensity and splits in our workouts
We incorporate weightlifting, jumprope, kettlebells, bodyweight, rowing, running ect. Into our workouts
If you don’t have kettlebells or barbells your can sub for dumbbells or similar bodyweight exercises
We love to do EMOM and AMRAP Workouts 5 Days per week focusing on progression and splits. All of our workouts incorporate some full body movement as well but also let you isolate muscle growth for specific days. Increase your weight by a small amount every other week and you will feel stronger in your body and mind. Usually we stick with the below:
Monday - Legs Circuit
Tuesday - Shoulders+Back Circuit
Wednesday - Chest / Upper Body Circuit
Thursday - Arms Circuit
Friday - Full Body / Conditioning Circuit
Day 1: Leg Day HILO Workout
Equipment Needed: Barbell, Kettlebell, Jump Rope
Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or dynamic stretching.
Lift barbell squats : 4 Sets of 8 Reps (Choose a challenging weight)
EMOM Structure: Perform the prescribed exercises at the start of every minute for 25 minutes.
- Minute 1: Barbell Deadlifts x 8 reps
- Minute 2: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 3: Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings x 15 reps
- Minute 4: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 5: Kettlebell/Dumbbell overhead snatches
Repeat this circuit until the end of 25 minutes.
Day 2: Back Day EMOM Workout
Equipment Needed: Barbell, Kettlebell, Jump Rope, Rowing Machine
Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light rowing or back stretches.
Lift barbell overhead press: 4 sets of 8 (Choose a challenging weight)
EMOM Structure: Perform the prescribed exercises at the start of every minute for 25 minutes.
- Minute 1: 8 Strict Pullups (add weight if needed)
- Minute 2: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 3: Lat pulldowns x 10 reps
- Minute 4: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 5: Dumbbell press 12 reps
Repeat this circuit until the end of 25 minutes.
Day 3: Chest + Upper Body Day EMOM:
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Kettlebell, Jump Rope, Pull-Up Bar
Warm-Up: 5 minutes of arm circles, shoulder stretches, and push-ups.
Lift Bench Press : 4 Sets of 8-10 (Choose a challenging weight)
EMOM Structure: Perform the prescribed exercises at the start of every minute for 25 minutes.
- Minute 1: Dumbbell Flys x 10 reps
- Minute 2: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 3: Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 reps
- Minute 4: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 5: Dips X 10 reps (add weight if needed)
- Minute 6: Pushups x 15-20
Repeat this circuit until the end of 25 minutes.
Day 4: Arms Day EMOM Workout:
Equipment Needed: Dumbbells, Kettlebell, Jump Rope, Resistance Bands
Warm-Up: 5 minutes of arm swings, wrist rotations, and light bicep curls.
Lift Weighted Pullups 4 sets of 8
EMOM Structure: Perform the prescribed exercises at the start of every minute for 25 minutes.
- Minute 1: Bicep Curls x 10 reps
- Minute 2: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 3: Kettlebell snatches x 10 reps (5 each arm)
- Minute 4: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 5: Barbell curls x 8
Repeat this circuit until the end of 25 minutes.
Day 5: Conditioning Day EMOM Workout:
Equipment Needed: Kettlebell, Jump Rope, Running Track or Treadmill
Warm-Up: 5 minutes of jogging and dynamic stretching.
EMOM Structure: Perform the prescribed exercises at the start of every minute for 25 minutes.
- Minute 1: Kettlebell Goblet Squats x 12 reps
- Minute 2: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 3: Kettlebell Swings x 15 reps
- Minute 4: Jump Rope for 30 seconds
- Minute 5: Hanging Knee Raises x 15
- Minute 6: 20 second sprint row
Repeat this circuit until the end of 25 minutes.
Brands and products I recommend for these workouts :
Crossrope - Best jumprope in the game
Rogue - Squat racks / pull-up bars / benches / kettlebells / weights
Kettlebell kings - Kettlebells